1. streamDAG::AIMS.node.coords
    Nodal coordinates for graphs in the AIMS project
  2. streamDAG::dc_arc_pres_abs
    Stream segment presence absence data for Dry Cr. Idaho
    data.frame|46187 x 29
  3. streamDAG::dc_lengths
    Lengths of Dry Creek stream (arc) segments
  4. streamDAG::dc_node_pres_abs
    Stream node presence absence data for Dry Cr. Idaho
    data.frame|86958 x 37
  5. streamDAG::gj_coords16
    Coordinates of nodes at Gibson Jack Creek, Idaho for a 2016 survey
  6. streamDAG::gj_lengths
    Lengths of Gibson Jack stream (arc) segments
  7. streamDAG::gj_lengths_piezo_full
    Lengths of Gibson Jack stream (arc) segments
  8. streamDAG::gj_node_pres_abs
    Stream node presence absence data for Gibson Jack Idaho
    data.frame|68549 x 37
  9. streamDAG::gj_node_pres_abs16
    Stream node presence absence data for Gibson Jack Cr. Idaho, for a 2016 survey
  10. streamDAG::jd_lengths
    Lengths of Johnson Draw stream (arc) segments
  11. streamDAG::jd_lengths_2023
    Lengths of Johnson Draw stream (arc) segments
  12. streamDAG::jd_lengths_full
    Lengths of Johnson Draw stream (arc) segments
  13. streamDAG::jd_node_pres_abs
    Stream node presence absence data for Johnson Draw Idaho
    data.frame|51653 x 37
  14. streamDAG::kon_coords
    Coordinates of nodes in the Konza Praire dataset
  15. streamDAG::kon_lengths
    Lengths of Murphy Cr. stream (arc) segments
  16. streamDAG::mur_arc_pres_abs
    Stream segment presence absence data for Murphy Cr. Idaho
  17. streamDAG::mur_coords
    Coordinates of nodes at Murphy Ck. Idaho
  18. streamDAG::mur_lengths
    Lengths of Murphy Cr. stream (arc) segments
  19. streamDAG::mur_node_pres_abs
    Stream node presence absence data for Murphy Cr. Idaho
  20. streamDAG::mur_seasons_arc_pa
    Simulated seasonal arc presence absence data for Murphy Cr